22 nov 2008

oh, my lady victoria.. (#1)

I've always been some kind of interested in and amazed by the pretty long gowns full of bows and lace that were worn in the Victorian Age. I feel it could be a great inspiration but also quite a challenge, to portray this look in modern way. I suppose you could just walk around with long veils on a dress that reaches far behind you and makes people trip, but how great it may sound, it's not way too convenient in the 21st century.

I'll try and get something out of my wardrobe sometime to "fake" all of this Victorian beauty, and I'd love to see you dress up as well if you'd like. Get out anything lacy, bowy and elegant and see what you can do! I can't be the only one who loves this look..

3 opmerkingen:

Sam zei

Oh I love that era! Geweldig die jurken...

uneventriΔngle zei

zo mooi! Ik heb ook nog een paar
van die kaartjes met vrouwen
met zulke kleding. Uit Venetië,
zo leuk!!

uneventriΔngle zei

Dankje! Ja natuurlijk :] ik zet
je straks even in mijn lijst,
nu nog niet want ik moet gaan haha.