Lohan =) doh. I've adored her ever since I was about 6, 7 years old. And now I think it's time I'd worship her on this blog, together with the ads she does for all these great companies. Let's start with the last one she did, just to confuse you.. =X Fornarina! I personally really like the pictures she took, but I'm not sure the (type of) clothes fit her too much.. what about you? (I like the first picture best)
5 opmerkingen:
i agree, she looks good, but those clothes dont really work on her.
I think the problem is with her really fake looking hair...
Photos and Clothes are great but it's not her style I think, so barbie looking for her
WERKT ZE VOOR FORNARINA?! Dat is vreemd om te zien... Dat had ik nooit van Fornarina verwacht..
Damm, im in love with the 4th top!
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